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1And that blew the island to pieces And Tambora's deadly tendrils spread far afield.
2So, sitting underneath over a million people sits the European equivalent to something like Tambora.
3Sumbawa Island's local government provides extensive land on the slopes of Mount Tambora for the horses.
4However, I suppose saying that the farmers just know Tambora is more dangerous makes for better copy.
5It's inspired by the massive eruption of Mt Tambora on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa in 1815.
6Then, five days later, the real fireworks began: Tambora propelled plumes of smoke and ash thousands of metres into the skies.
7The reason for the dismal summer was not sunspots, but the eruption of the Tambora volcano in Indonesia in April 1815.
8During his walkabout in Tambora, he not only inspected burned-out houses but also handed out free books and school bags to children.
9Tambora ejected about 150 cubic kilometres of ash, some of which settled as far as 1,300 km away.
10That invention went nowhere, but the eruption of Indonesia's Tambora volcano in 1815 gave Europe a snowy summer in 1816.
11On August 26, 1883, Krakatoa, which lay 1,400 km west of Tambora, jetted out a white cloud of ash and pumice.
12In the early 1800s there were a number of volcanic disturbances in Indonesia that culminated in the 1816 eruption of Mount Tambora.
13And, in similar circumstances to the aftermath of Tambora, sun blocking gases caused global temperatures to fall by as much as 1.2 Celsius.